Reflection On Teaching A Receptive Skill

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Teaching a receptive skill Reading (Rationale) Background: This lesson is focusing on reading as a receptive skill. Its focus is on a class of mostly 15 students who are in pre-intermediate level. Their age is between 17-19 years old. The students have different learning styles: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic, however, most of them are visual and auditory learners. As long as they are studying in England, the lesson will be about two aspects: food and weather. The chosen materials: This lesson is chosen from a magazine "Talk!, the free English as a foreign language magazine, issue 6, summer 2013. Its title is " what do you think of the English food and weather?. This particular lesson is chosen due to the fact that these learners…show more content…
The main aim is that the students are going to practise reading for the sake of reading. And, the four sub-aims are the students will be able to Understand the meaning of some new words, skim for the gist, scanning for details, and write a short paragraph as a productive skill based on the receptive skill. The writing skill will be developed throughout the reading lesson so the students build up and gain many ideas in terms of the structure and the meaning for producing a meaningful and well-structured paragraph. The pre-reading stage: According to what Scrivener said, “ Many activities designed to increase reading speeds are variations on the following two…show more content…
The students in this stage will go over the paragraphs to get an overview and a general idea about the lesson as fast as possible so that it takes just a few minutes or a limited time. Then, the students will be transferred to achieve the second sub-skill which is scanning for the details. In this session, the students need more time to read carefully and concentrate to find the details which enable them to complete the task. Thus, skimming always comes before scanning to get the ideas in a very well-arranged

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