Foreign Language Literature

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Writing research has foundations, which span the last 60-years, starting in the area of language acquisition theory in both behavioral and psychological areas of education research (Katayama, 2007). These foundational works formed the basis of why and how we teach, practice, learn and assess foreign language writing. The development of research in this area is not without their share of debate. Foreign scripts are defined in the context of this review as characters that not only have different phonetic attributes, or sounds, to the students’ native language, but unfamiliar visual features as well. The majority of published research has been centered on mature learners of Spanish, English, French and Latin. This review reveals the need to revisit…show more content…
Learners can form good habits by giving correct responses rather than producing mistakes. This method minimizes mistakes by practicing each grammatical pattern through stimulus-response drills, until they become habitual (Richard & Rodgers, 2001, as cited in Lyddon, 2011). This approach is supported by many L2 teachers, who fear "fossilization" of errors (Selinker, 1972;Vandergrift, 1986), and feel morally obligated to correct all mistakes in L2 student written work (Katayama, 2007). However, Selinker and Douglas (1985) argue that while ‘stagnation’ of errors occurs only in one discourse domain, development can continue to develop in other domains through the mixing learning modes (Churchill,…show more content…
Students have little background skill or knowledge of foreign language to draw from. For beginners in Japan, the method of ‘drilling’ also carries over into writing. The writing practice for beginners culminates in writing tests the required the translation of Japanese word in to English. These methods are used in an attempt to avoid the transference of errors by depending on the other three meta-skills. However, this is not entirely true. The meanings of some Japanese words translated to English are ambiguous. Which can be the cause of translation error, and not a spelling or writing mistake. Therefore, simply providing a cross over incorrect words, or a circle around the correct word is of little benefit. This least salient form of corrective feed back is the only documented record students, and teachers retain at the end of the learning process. These methods are uneconomic (O’donovan, Price & Rust, 2004, p. 328), and they lack any diagnostic or prescriptive value. They can not distinguish between L1 and L2 errors, and they provide little indication on what was taught or learned (Ellis, 1994). However, the practice continues, possibly because it is believed to be the most effective way to test the

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