The Importance Of Speaking English

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Speaking plays an active role in using a language to express meaning. Through spoken language, a new language is encountered, perceived, practiced and learned. Speaking is not only one of the aspects of learning a language, but the prime source of language learning. Unfortunately, speaking problems are the biggest challenges for foreign language learners. Speaking is the main language skill; however, majority of students and learners struggle to overcome their speaking difficulties. Through the golden age of technology, speaking English fluently has been considered a must specifically for people who want to progress in certain fields of human endeavor. It is crystal clear that using English as a foreign language (EFL) or as a second language…show more content…
114). However, regardless of the findings of research studies that empirically showed that educational messaging would increase students’ learning, some researchers found that relying merely on the messaging technology to deliver educational content would only be effective for short term learning but not for long term one (Lu, 2008; Zhang et al., 2011). In addition, in some cases students reported some downsides and negative issues related to the use of SMS to send educational text. Some of the disadvantages dealt with the limited capacity of the cellular phones in term of small screen size and keyboard (Hayati et al., 2013) and limited storage capacity (Zhang et al., 2011). The shortened, overgeneralised, telegram-type language, that is coming more and more into use nowadays, especially among the younger generations, is noticeably related to the new communication media such as email, instant-messaging, and cellular phones. The tendency – or is it hurriedly becoming the norm? – is for ‘minimum effort in minimum time’: truncating everything so as to write the shortest text possible in the shortest time…show more content…
Classifying students' behaviorsbehaviours will illustrate social interactions employed for collaboration. In addition, observation on how the social interactions evolve along with the collaborative process will give a holistic picture of in-group dynamics. Further, comparisons of behavior patterns between good and poor groups will explain which behaviorsbehaviours could enhance group collaboration. This knowledge will allow instructors to design more effective interventions and to diagnose the collaboration process. As mentioned in Dufner, Park, Kwon, and Peng (2002), it takes several weeks to complete a group task and to develop the skills needed for successful collaboration. To fully explore and understand student collaboration behaviorsbehaviours, we purposefully observed groups over a thirteen week period, using multiple sources of

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