English Teaching Process

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Throughout the history of language teaching, researchers have theorized different theories and frameworks to justify the process of language learning and teaching process. Writing is an essential component of English foreign language. In the recent years scholars indicated, writing can be regarded as one of the main issues in the world of EFL. According to Olive (as cited in: Sarıca H.Ç. & Usluel Y.K .2015, p. 11) Writing is one of the most complex cognitive activities and involves a great number of cognitive components. The main objective of writing course at various level is to prepare the students to write effectively in their chosen of vocabulary. According to (Mekheimer, 2005) Writing encourages thinking and learning, now that it motivates…show more content…
Recently, people are starting to use e-mails and other communication system to communicate with each other, even for instructional…show more content…
Many studies have shown that one of the most fundamental questions both teachers and learners face when teaching or learning a second language is how to efficiently increase long-term retention of vocabulary. Vocabulary is widely regarded as a crucial part of language learning by virtually all second language (L2) learners and their teachers. Consequently, it is important for Language teachers to develop appropriate learning tasks in promoting successful vocabulary production and retention among language learners. Therefore, it is necessary for language researchers to explore why certain tasks are more effective than others in L2 vocabulary production and retention. Vocabulary knowledge can be divided into productive and receptive knowledge (Nation & Meara, 2002) Latest studies have shown that the role of language has significant effects on science learning. According to Prain (as cited in 2007) Language is emphasized to have a significant effect on showing learners what they know. This method of showing is often used as writing activity in educational settings. Writing, explaining, serves as a bridge between new knowledge and the existing knowledge (Keys, Hand, Prain & Collins,

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