Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction Research

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Final Report Factors Influencing Job Satisfaction Towards Customer Relation Department in UBL Head Office Submitted By: Bilal Arif Kashmiri (57010) Supervisor: Sir Usman Aleem Submitted to PAF-KIET Abstract Introduction & Background: Job satisfaction is essential for workers furthermore for the effective association. As per (Lim & S, 2008) if a worker won't be fulfill to his occupation then perhaps he won't be devoted with his employment or to association and disappointment to the employment and absence of truthfulness to the association may be scan for an alternate occupation. Literature Review: The literature review gave some very interesting facts about the Job Satisfaction. As per Ayub(2012) Finds that the greater part of…show more content…
Questionnaire has been designed on the Likert scale and data collection has been done through literature from Secondary research and the primary data has been collected from the responses from the questionnaire. 3.2 RESEARCH ONION 3.2.1 RESEARCH DESIGN The research was considered by the following research onion. The research philosophy which the researcher use in the research is Realism. The explanation behind for Selecting this research is that is further concerned with the reality and realistic source of acceptance. The approach used by the researcher is survey and questionnaire approach is used. The questionnaire is on likert scale and a self-administered is use to generate options for the respondents. The data collection is ready through primary sources through questionnaire. The information investigation was done on SPSS and the devices use by the scientist is Correlation Analysis, Reliability test and the Regression Analysis. The research is conducted on the factors that influence the job satisfaction towards Customer Relation Department employee in UBL. This study is a quantitative research and the sampling technique that we have used is convenience sampling and the sample size is 167…show more content…
REGRESSION 6 CONCLUSION The Job Satisfaction (JS) has important relationship with Salary (Correlation- .020 and p-value < 0.05). This analysis shows that the salary has a positive relation with job satisfaction which means variables are strongly related with each other. JS has a important relationship with Work Environment (Correlation- 0.036 and p-value of 0.000 i.e. p-value < 0.05). It is concluded that working environment, salary and promotion has a strong and positive relationship with the way an employee is satisfied with his job and tends to work more hard RECOMMENDATION LIMITATTIONS This study considered just UBL Head Office. The researcher utilized particular branch of the UBL, different inquires about should be possible by acquiring the details of interest and information from the entire bank and the conclusions would be more dependable. "This research would be intended to be finished in the timeline. Further the research is led by the single individual and the survey is being filled by individual to individual.

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