Need Theory Of Motivation

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CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 CONCEPT AND MEANING OFMOTIVATION Motivation as a concept try Co look at the factor that trigger the individual to perform a certain task with satisfaction and contentment. Cole (2004). A human motivational studies aim in essence to discover what it is, that trigger and sustain human behaviour. Cole state that motivation is the term used to describe process, both instinctive and rational, by which people seek to satisfy their basic drives, perceived need and personal goals, which trigger human behaviours. - Lawal (1993) View motivation as a pervasive function that cut across all aspect of employee development, also that motivation is an inner state that energizes activates or moves and directs or channels…show more content…
For the need theory to depicted this is a basic logic. A NEED THEORY OF MOTIVATION According to Janes Stoner (2005) need theory has been seen as the theory of motivation that addresses what people need or required to live a fulfilling lives particularly with regard to work. The following are some of the ‘need theories that has been propounded by different theorist. i. Hierarchy of need theory — Maslow ii. ELG Theory — Aderfer iii. Herzberg two fall or theory etc. In this work we shall only consider three need theories as stated above. 2.1.0 THE HIERARCHY OF NEED THEORY The Maslow hierarchy of need; was developed by Abraham Maslow, has probably received more attention from managers than any other theory of motivation. Maslow hierarchy of need theory proposes that human are motivated by multiple needs and that these needs exist in a anarchical order. Maslow identified five general types motivating need on order of ascendance. I. The physiological need:- These are the most basic human physical needs which includes food, water and sex, 1n the organizational setting (like primary health care worker) these are reflected in the needs for adequate heat, aim and basic salary to ensure…show more content…
Effort — performance expectancy peoples expectation of how difficult it will be to perform successfully effect their decision about behaviour. An individuals behaviour will defend to some extent, on the types of outcome expected. Some outcome act as intensive rewards, this are reward that are fell-directly by the individual example are:- feeling of accomplishment increased self esteem and the satisfaction of developing new skills. The other outcome is the extrinsic rewards in contrast, such as bonuses, praise or promotion, are provided by an outside agent such as the supervisor or work group. 2.2 BASIC ASSUMPTION ABOUT MOTIVATION According to Jones A.F Stoner (2005) the following assumption about motivation are outlisted:- 1. Motivation is commonly assumed to be a good thing. 2. Motivation is one of several factors that goes into a person performance. 3. Manager and researcher alike assume that motivation is in short supply and in need of periodic replacement. 4. Motivation is a tool with which manger can arrange job relationship in
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