Cooperative Teaching

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Introduction In this essay, I would like to discuss two teaching innovation – Cooperative Learning and Project Learning, which is being adopted in music teaching, compare and contrast their strengths and weakness and at the same time, reflecting on the implication on music teaching. The essay will be divided into six parts in total. Firstly, it will be the introduction of this project. Secondly, it would be the definitions of cooperation learning and project learning. Thirdly, it is the comparison of cooperative learning and project learning in music teaching. Then, it is the reflection on the implication on music teaching and followed the conclusion. Definition of Cooperative Learning “Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small…show more content…
It focuses on learning activities which is long term, interdisciplinary and merged with real- world issues and practices (Violet H. Harada, Carolyn H. Kirio & Sandra H. Yamamoto, 2008). Compare and Contrast of the cooperative learning and project based learning Cooperative Learning Project-Based Learning Characteristics of learning  Learning in small group  Helping each other and contribute of each member  Learning in small group  Helping each other and contribute of each member Skills  positive interdependence  positive interdependence Time Group work result can be invisible immediately Usually long term depend on the topics Materials & equipment Depends on classroom equipment Can be create or find other resources outside school Role of teacher Changes from observer and guide to command central Can be instructors, facilitators and coaches Group evaluation Evaluate within single lesson / double lesson Evaluate after a long period of time There are some similarities and differences of the cooperative learning and project-based learning. One of the similarities are positive interdependence, more productive in group work and role of the teacher; one of the differences are time, group evaluation and material and…show more content…
Teacher has to walk in different group to observe every group to ensure they are on task. Teacher have to intervention if student are in off-task attitude or some students are not participating in groups (Kath Murdoch & Jeni Wilson,2004). Meanwhile, teacher has to help students if they have difficulties, for instances, all group members have difficult to play some of the notes. Then, teacher need to help them and guide them how to solve the problems. Finally, when every group performs, teacher has to give feedback to every group after their performance. Feedback can give students to know how they are performing (Kath Murdoch & Jeni
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