Factors Affecting Islamic Work Ethics

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CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY In relation to the topic of this project paper, this study was conducted in order to find out the factors influencing Islamic Work Ethics at SIRIM Berhad, Shah Alam. From previous research, we have gathered that the aspects that are most likely to influence Islamic Work Ethics are job satisfaction, organizational commitment and conflict resolutions. Scholars have endeavored to define work ethics relating to the value system of people. Parnes and Andrian define work ethics as ―… beliefs about the moral superiority of hard work over leisure or idleness, craft pride over carelessness, sacrifice over profligacy, earned over unearned income and positive over negatives towards work‖ (Parnes and Andriasani, 1983, 102). Barbash defines work ethics as ―a commitment to work hard which is stronger than just providing a living‖ (Barbash, (1983, 4-5). Islamic work ethics is much more than that, being multi-dimensional and related to various aspects of life such as social, political and economic. Islamic work ethics could be defined as a set of values or system…show more content…
According to Abbas Ali (2001), from the Department of Management of the University of Indiana Bend, seeing as how people in general are wary of any new changes in life, it is also the same in implementing Islamic Work Ethics. In the case of SIRIM Berhad, since the beginning of 2015, they are slowly starting to implement Islamic Work Ethics on its work members. Seeing as this is a big change for a previously conventional work ethic run company, the changes are done in stages and layers. The biggest concern however, is whether or not the staff can transition and slowly adept to the implementation of Islamic Work Ethics. So our study is centered on whether there are any relationship between the dependent variable and the independent

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