Employee Performance Literature Review

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In this review of literature we seeks to comprehend both variables and factors and their determinants, through different previous studies on the same topic or on related topics which directly or implicitly effects the main topic of the research. This review will include understanding life satisfaction, employee performance, job, determinants of life satisfaction, and performance measures. On the basis of previous researches we will develop a hypothesis regarding the relationship and impact of life satisfaction on worker performance. The theory of life satisfaction defines it as overall happiness and well-being of a persons’ entire life. There are some concerns regarding the validity and reliability of life satisfaction measurement, because…show more content…
Satisfaction with life is statistically related with evaluation of various traits or domains of life (Veenhoven, 1996). In research, a hypothesized model of life satisfaction is discussed, the model suggests that there are personal variables, environmental variables and community variables which has influencing effects in determining life satisfaction (Iverson & Maguire, 1999). Rapid variations in life satisfaction comprise considerably more than changes in work life, therefore, we assume that life satisfaction will foresee performance only at the trait level, i.e. predicting generally happy individuals are more productive, but global satisfaction is not related to short-term productivity (Zelenski, Murphy, & Jenkins,…show more content…
The community variables related to family and friends has indirect consequences on life satisfaction through job satisfaction (Iverson & Maguire, 1999), and previous researches have already suggested that there is a positive relationship between job satisfaction and job performance. The research have proposed that, there is no stronger association between job satisfaction and performance, furthermore, almost all relationships amongst life satisfaction and performance measures are evident and significant. Life satisfaction has also contributed towards predicting organizational citizenship behaviour in amalgamation with job performance (Jones, 2006, p. 34). When talking about sales & productivity, an individual’s life satisfaction and subjective well-being would positively improves sales performance and workplace Stress in life has a negative influence on employee performance (Rowe-Johnson, 2010). Work performance variable in organizations is considered as more important, because the goals and objectives of organization are measured in terms of performance and productivity. Job satisfaction and life satisfaction demonstrate weaker but significant relationship with productivity and performance. Shortly, we can say that happy individuals have a tendency to be more productive than unhappy individuals (Zelenski,

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