Factors Affecting Career Decision Making

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SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY In many ways every research has its own importance and allegation. It shows the importance of critical thinking which results to a good-decision when it comes in choosing career and college courses were laid. Pursuing this study will serve and give the readers a number of purposes.The importance and the significance of this research entitled “Factors that Influence the Career Decision-Making of Grade 12 HUMSS Students of PUP Manila S.Y 2017-2018” is to know the most influential factor that affects the career decision-making of Grade 12 HUMSS Students. This study will be beneficial and significant to the following: For the administrators, this study would serve as a reading that will allow them to work with the teachers…show more content…
With this study, hey will have wider reviews and ideas on how to handle or counsel students who needs guidance about what course fits their interests and God-given talents and abilities. For the parents, as shown in the title, parents is one of the factors that influence the career decision making of the students. Therefore, the result of this study will help the parents to know their limitation on making the decision for their children especially in the career of their child. It will also help to encourage the parent not to make their decision first for their children and let their children choose what is their children wanted. For respondents, it will be easy for them to find someone who will help them make a decision in choosing their career because the results will guide them on who has the greatest influence with this kind of matter. This research will help them identify the factors that would influence them in choosing their career and whether it would lead them to a good position or not. This will also help the respondents to be more specific with their decision in which to take for their career. It may also help them to know more about themselves as they explore the factors to be considered in influencing their decision. This is a reminder that decision making shouldn’t just box in one’s self only but also…show more content…
To guide them when they make decisions, determine what motivates them and to enlighten them what types of work that they would like to do. This study will help the grade 12 students making a career choice and help the student how to decide for themselves what kind of career for them. To get some idea what they should be doing choosing a career. The result of this research will help the students having a control to their career

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