Mac Garden Case Study

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Student name: Morgane VERRIER Mobile number: +33 (0)6 44 24 60 91 E-mail address: Course Code: 1A Topic: A new plant food in RUSSIA On April 19th, 2015 INTERNATIONAL CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Final Assignment Table PREFACE 3 1. Analyze the macro consumer picture 5 2. Analyze the micro consumer picture 5 3. From the “consumer looking out” perspective 6 4. From the “marketer looking in” perspective 6 BIBLIOGRAPHY 7 PREFACE The product name is Voost, with the brand name is Mac Garden. Mac Garden is a specialist brand in plant foods: plant food for vegetables and fruits (Voost), but also for flowers, lawn, for shrubs to trees... • What is its function? The product is an organic fertilizer to grow a vegetable…show more content…
Their income does not yet support the minimum level of consumption. This group represents a considerable proportion, about 30 % of the population. b) The second class: This group is composed of people working for state enterprises as well as scientists, teachers, doctors, engineers and other employees of organizations financed from the budget. They have almost the lowest level of real wages. About 90 % of their income is spent on food and necessities of life. This group is estimated at about 40 %. c) The middle class: The middle class (estimated 20 %) consists of employees working for corporations, businesses and other organizations who earn benefits of the market economy. They spend about 35 % of their income on food. d) The upper class is formed by so-called "new Russians": These are people who have taken their chance in economic reality. They own private enterprise, business leaders, bankers. They spend less than 5 % of their income on food. About 10 % of the population belongs to this…show more content…
The aim was to please the masses rather than each of its members. The state had little interest in identifying consumer needs and the production of goods for private consumption. Economy has been characterized by chronic shortages and inefficient supply. The work of commercial organizations, selling, advertising, market research were marked unproductive and therefore irrelevant. However, some institutes in Russia have been engaged in the investigation of the needs of consumers, supply and demand, the sales process, market development of consumer and other problems, which can be defined in the complex as marketing. • Usage Speaking of the cultural environment, it is necessary to mention that Russian culture was formed under the influence of both Eastern and Western cultural traditions. For this reason, some features in the standards and common values, for the Russian differ for Western Europeans. Specific characteristics are Russian: impulsivity, sincerity, friendliness, pride. Among the most important values people used to talk about family, security, independence. • Political Political changes towards democracy regarding consumer behavior means expanding needs of consumers, not restricted by kind ideological

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