Juvenile Court Case Study

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The juvenile court judge’s role is to evaluate the aggravating circumstances that surround a juvenile who already has a record prior to the events that currently have brought the juvenile into court. As an essential part of their decision making practice, the judge must be certain that individuals appearing before him receive legal and constitutional benefits they are entitled to according to the constitution. The success of these judges and the decisions they grant when working with juveniles will rely on their ability to ensure that the offenders receive the appropriate sentences and give juveniles the applicable counseling sessions to aid them in becoming productive members of society. Aggravating Circumstances Affecting a Juvenile's Outcome The juvenile justice system is designed to rehabilitate juveniles who have been involved in acts that go against the norms of society and when a juvenile commits additional acts of aggression it’s a judge’s decision making prowess that determines their additional form of punishment. When juveniles have prior offences there is a probability that their sentence will be increased since…show more content…
It is the role of the juvenile court judge to ensure that this process is implicitly fair to all parties (Rosa, M. 2014. p. 27). The juvenile court judges have an obligation to society and to the juveniles that stand before them. The expectation of society is that judges are to be heavy handed when necessary yet fair as they consider the circumstances that have brought the juveniles into the lair of the juvenile justice system. The judge must also take action to ensure that the necessary community resources are available so that the children and families which come before the court can be well-served (Rosa, M. 2014. p.

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