Human Resource Management Literature Review

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Chapter 1 1.0 Introduction Human resources is the most important and powerful source of any sort business. There are several ways to make use of the employee’s capabilities and skills a human resource manager will guide the employees based on the company’s objectives and goals. Thus a good leader will think about it and assist the employees to reach the required level. Effective training and development plays a vital role in the human resource management. Every HR management should know their staff capability well and place them in appropriate positions to avoid mistakes. Staffs those who need assist need to be take care well to become professional on what they do. Thus this research will present the readers a knowledge of what is HRM and…show more content…
Chapter 2: Literature review Introduction: The exercise of human resource management is referred with all prospects of people working and managing the hotel. It address the activities such as strategies and capital management of HRM and corporate responsibility, Management knowledge and development in organization Human resource planning and other important aspects related to the HRM, employees good health and wellbeing, safety and the planning of employees services (Armstrong, 2014) Development and training make sure that the haphazardness is lessened and the results in the behavior and learning took place in a right structured format. In the area of HRM, developments and related training is the most important organizational activity that is focused to improving the performance of staffs of all levels in the organization (Harrison, 2005). This study will emphasis on XYZ hotel’s training and development programmers for its employees and will suggest if there is any scope for improvement in this area. 2.1 Human Resource…show more content…
It is the biggest amount of energy is commonly spent in the planning activity. The one who see the staff force planning has an important role in the human resource planning. In short they are planning for the corporation so they have to have the right number of people in right time and right place (Boyd, 1986) 2.1.3 Human resource planning as necessity for organizations Based on the research conducted by Institute of employment studies, there are various reasons an organization’s choose to enlist the form of human resources and they are described below. Planning for essential reason: To maximize the output of using resources and flexible and developing important skills and understand the problems and issues and to avoid the bad decisions. Planning because of the benefits: To make use of the future problems and challenges assumptions and liberating thinking, making denotative decisions and sure that long term imaging is not driven out by short term
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