The Importance Of Change Management

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Organizational arrangement, leadership and controlling require different decision making and strategies to be created. Strategic management serves as a strong bridge between the performance and the strategies being drawn out. Competitive strategies involves lower pricing, customers complaints meeting, and uninterrupted service handling. Customer satisfaction, loyalty and retention help in measuring the performance of an organization. Markus64 has analyzed on the agency theory’s influence on job satisfaction and performance. He says that there is a direct relationship between job performance and job satisfaction. The organization has to create a good environment for enhancing work relationship among the employees. This encourages the employee…show more content…
Job characteristics, role of the employee and the stress factors involved in the process all contributes towards the performance based on the situational perspective. Performance of the individual varies from one person to others based on different factors like capability, knowledge, skill sets, and motivational perspective. Motivation improves skill set development, level of effort taken towards work, and the persistent of the employee’s effort in a higher level. Cognitive ability of the employee helps in improving the performance standards. In change management process guide, it has been clearly explained on the change management procedures in an Information Technology organization. Application change, hardware change, visual image changes, software changes, network changes, environmental changes and documentation changes are the different types of changes involved in an IT organization. Emergency changes and exceptional changes are the two types of Type E changes. According to James66, organizational structure and organizational factors affects the employee performance to a greater level. The performance of the employee in turn has an impact over the organizational performance. Use of latest technologies, involves the change in organizational structure and management…show more content…
Motivation, environment and the capacity are the three major factors affecting the performance of an organization. Performance is measured in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, relevance and financial viability. Relevance is related with the investors, shareholders, customers and the employees with the organization. Organizational motivation involves history, mission, culture, and rewards involved in an organization. Organizational capacity is determined through its strategies, leadership, resources, finance, services, infrastructure, technology, and organizational collaborations. Environment involves administrative, social, political, economic and technological
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