Job Satisfaction Research Paper

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Behavior in Organization Term 1 Project Topic- Job Satisfaction Submitted To Dr. Rakesh Agrawal Submitted By Section- A Group- 10 Milan Deep PGP14114 Vikash Soren PGP14054 Vishal Singh PGP14055 Reeya Rebecca Paul PGP14115 Ganeswar Miniaka PGP13087 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Job satisfaction may be defined as a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences. Job satisfaction implies a job one enjoys, doing it well, and being suitably rewarded for one’s effort. These positive feelings result from the perception of the job being fulfilling, or being compatible with one’s needs and values. In our report we have discussed what job satisfaction is and what all factors affect…show more content…
Job satisfaction: Person organization fit has a positive impact on job satisfaction. A person who can well relate to its tasks and assignments are more inclined towards job satisfaction. Employees who have very high value system are more dissatisfied than those who do not give much importance to these characteristics. 2. Job Performance: A happy worker is a Good Worker. Thus, there is a clear inter association of job performance among job satisfaction. There is greater Job satisfaction and hence performance for greater self-esteem workers when compared to those who have low self-esteem. Practical Implications The practical implications of studying the relationship between the person organization fit and job satisfaction and job performance is that the organizations can base their hiring decisions based on these factors which will help them to overcome the turnover risks, while hiring any individual. Benefits and Drawbacks Benefits Drawbacks Increase worker satisfaction, organization commitment and identification. Need accurate measure for organization and…show more content…
The practical implications of studying the relationship between the person organization fit and job satisfaction and job performance is that the organizations can base their hiring decisions based on these factors which will help them to overcome the turnover risks, while hiring any individual. Effective communication among the peers, subordinates, higher authorities, etc. also have a positive impact on job satisfaction. Better the communication, more satisfied a person would be. A clear understanding of the gender differences gives manager’s a better opportunity to encourage and support activities which are likely to contribute to greater job satisfaction and organizational commitment. These activities can be like facilitating them on networking behaviours both inside and outside of the company. They must also put effort and reward women for making networks outside the organization which enhances job

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