Importance Of Relationships In The Giver, By Lois Lowry

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Jonas’ Future Relationships are very important because they help shape our future, who we are, and how we act. Jonas had three major relationships, all of which are extremely different from each other. In the book The Giver, by Lois Lowry, Jonas had a strong relationship with his friends Asher, and Fiona, but the relationship with the Giver had the most substantial impact on his future. Asher is Jonas’ closest childhood friend. Asher is a funny kid, but he tends to talk too fast and always gets in trouble. In The Giver when Asher is first introduced, Jonas describes him. Lowry says “his friend Asher, who talked too fast and mixed things up, scrambling words and phrases until they were barely recognizable and often very funny,” (3). He comes late to class, and gets reprimanded about his precision of language countless times. For example, on page 3 Jonas remembers “Asher had dashed-into the classroom, late as usual.” This shows how often Asher comes…show more content…
However, Fiona has a drastically different personality compared to Asher. At the doors of the “House of the Old,” when Fiona was first introduced to the story, the narrator says, “She was a good student, quiet and polite, but had a sense of fun as well,” (28). Jonas admires the way that Fiona already has an accurate prediction about what she enjoyed doing. Jonas likes Fiona very much and enjoys her company. Just before the Ceremony of Twelve, Jonas’ feelings toward Fiona begin to change, and Jonas gets his first stirring. One morning, when it was Jonas’ turn for dream telling, he explains, “I wanted to bathe her” (36) showing that he is starting to have strong feelings for Fiona or stirrings. Even though Fiona is a close childhood friend, she has an immensely different personality than Asher, and Jonas likes her very much. However, neither one of them have as big of an impact on Jonas’ furue as his relationship with the Giver

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