Essay On Why I Want To Be A Medical Doctor

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Have you ever encountered a force that propelled you to accomplish goals you always envisioned? That force is what drove me today to write this application essay. Growing up, I always knew what I wanted to become in the future. Whenever I was asked “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I would always answer with great eager and a huge smile plastered across my face “A doctor, I will be a doctor when I grow up”. I am a firm believer of fulfilling your purpose in life and for me, becoming a medical doctor is my purpose. My passion and determination have always been nurtured by my favourite Bible verse, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthened me” (Philippians 4:13 KJV). This quote is the mantra of my life and every day I wake up equipped and ready to confront all obstacles I face. At the age of thirteen my mother gave birth to my “force”, a beautiful baby boy named Ranjay Elisha Bell. ‘My Angel” as I called him was diagnosed with Down Syndrome and Ventricular Septal Defect.…show more content…
I am also convinced that my Christian faith is an essential ingredient for a career path such as this. Knowing God has helped my understanding of science. My faith makes me aware of what this world is all about and assist me in being the person I envision myself as, one with high moral standards, a love for my fellow men regardless of whom that person is, and a dedication to my profession, because it is He whom I seek to please. I know His promise to never leave me, therefore when things get difficult I can call upon Him anytime and His peace that passes all understanding is there to calm me and let me focus. Having an assurance like this is definitely a plus particularly when ones intention is to care for our future
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