History Of Innovation: Innovation, Creativity, And Innovation

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XAVIER INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT HISTORY OF CREATIVITY The roots of the concept of creativity can be traced back to the middle ages. It is derived from the Latin word "creatio" which comes from the phrase "creatio ex nihilo" which refers to God’s act of creation of mankind from nothing. The first reference of the word creativity was made by the Polish poet Maciej Kazimierz Sarbiewski but it was limited only to poetry. From there as time passed on it was applied to various forms of art and eventually to science and human behavior. DEFINING CREATIVITY Over the years there have been various diverging opinions on creativity besides the basic commonalities. Robert E Franken, in his book Human Motivation, defines creativity as ‘the…show more content…
Thea authors discuss that creativity and innovation are essentially the part of the same process. Creativity lies at the beginning when the idea is initially conceived but innovation deals with implementation phase. The authors discuss several theories of creativity and then suggest a framework which is to be utilized into individual, team and organizational innovation. In addition, a framework for future research on 11 major themes and60 specific questions is proposed. First scope of research is that the cultural patterns of creativity is sparse. Secondly, factors like team climate and leadership are of critical importance in team level where research has to be done. In an organizational level, the scope lies in fabrication of a more detailed and comprehensive conceptual explanation for the role of factors like innovation diffusion, culture and climate etc. in organizational innovation and a deeper understanding of how individual creativity attempts to flow into organizational innovation. Multi-level approaches are necessary to examine how individual and circumstantial factors amount to varying outcomes. Dedicated research on the above mentioned limitations would generate a major step forward in deciphering the complex phenomena that includes workplace creativity and…show more content…
The technology-globalization combination has revolutionized various industries and has radically positioned them to benefit from these dynamic communal, technical and traditional shifts. Cultural Fluidity It’s the era of digitalization. Creative ideas travel across borders, languages and cultures seamlessly. Every article written, photo uploaded, ‘meme’ generated is circulated worldwide. A prime example in recent times has been the ‘ALS Ice-Bucket challenge’. A simple idea that has reached almost every corner of the world. This depicts that the creativity within human perception which is mobilized by technology is culturally fluid. Democratization of Creativity The democratization of creativity has given everyone the right to be a creative. Digital globalization has enabled each and every one among us a chance to generate creative ideas that encourage participation. Potentially a million audience can be targeted. It will be a smart move to renounce the ownership of the idea and allow the masses to re imagine it. It might seem a fruitless exercise but adept marketers capitalize on this trend. e.g. Harlem Shake Meme. Always

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