Ghana Economic Problems

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After Ghana’s independence the nation came across many economic, social and political problems whom of were later solved by Kwame Nkrumah, Ghana’s President at that time. Ghana was one of the bottom countries in Africa when talking about how Kwame’s biggest achievement as a leader was that he lead Ghana to gain independence from the British. Nkrumah was the first head of state of an independent post-colonial nation in Africa south of the Sahara, shortly after he led Ghana to national liberation under the direction of the Convention People's Party in 1957. During the 1930s and 1940s as a leading member of the African Students Association, the Council on African Affairs, and other important organizations. On March 6, there was a gathering for…show more content…
Some economic pasts from President Nkrumah say his performance and achievements were horrible. In the early 1960s the Ghana economic conditions started to fail. The international price of cocoa started falling and the massive infrastructural projects had consumed much of the money that British left Ghana. Unemployment increased rapidly, food prices as well and reaches up to over 250% from 1957 levels, with 66% of the food prices increase recorded only in 1965. Eventually, food became useless and essential services were shut down in many sectors. The economic growth that had averaged between 9% to 12% per year until 1960, and highly decreased to between 2% and 3%, and was unable to support the fast population growth of almost 3% per year. Nkrumah responded with socialist harsh industrial measures. It is important to mention that poor economic management also helped to accelerate the rate of the worsening of the Ghanaian economy under President Nkrumah. Political considerations canceled the basics of the economic planning. In this case, some of the major industries that President Nkrumah built were not properly planned and achieved. Nkrumah fell into a political corruption, but later managed to solve the problems he had caused. When Kwame Nkrumah became the General Secretary of UGGC, he fell out with the other leadership of the organisation. They invited him to join them to fight for independence. By July 1960, Dr Nkrumah had told the British to leave all forms of control over Ghana to Ghanaians. When the British agreed, Ghana became a republic making Dr Nkrumah the president. From 1960 onwards Dr Nkrumah began to overcome all of the actions, he began by outlawing regional based political groups in Ashanti And, the North and the Volta region. The opposition parties had no choice but to come together. As they came together, Dr Nkrumah used his CPP's parliamentary majority to

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