Louis Pojman Death Penalty Analysis

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Essay 4: Death Penalty There is an ongoing debate going on in the country wether or not the death penalty should still be used as punishment for criminals who have committed serious crimes, mostly those who have committed murder or something similar. Louis P. Pojman attempts to defend the use of the death penalty in his article titled “In Defense of the Death Penalty”. It was very interesting to read Louis' perspective on the death penalty. Pojman provided many reasons as to why criminals such as murderers “deserve” the death penalty. Throughout the article, Pojman provides some intriguing examples as to why capital punishment should be used against murderers. Pojman's' conclusion is very simple. It's just because the victim's life is sacred that Louis favors the death penalty as a fitting punishment for first…show more content…
These types of euthanasia allows the patient to make the decision to be killed, though the patient has to be mentally competent and adequately informed, meaning that voluntary euthanasia cannot be carried out by a person who does not have the correct mental awareness to do so. Although, even if this individual has lost all mental capacity, this individuals death may be considered voluntary if this individual has made a written request for euthanasia specifying conditions where, prior to when he/she lost mental competency, wished to die. Now, lets say that a person who has had brain cancer for quite some time now, is told by their doctors that he/she has little time left and provided him/her a choice to take the euthanasia way out, or to just be provided with painkillers and let nature decide when it is time to go. This individual has made the decision that he/she wants to end his/her life in about a month using the drugs or injections provided by the physicians to do so. Regarding this situation, I think it would be morally wrong for this person to make such a decision for many

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