Why Do Doctor's Commit Suicide?

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Persuading an Audience: Conquering the Appeals What if every paper you write, the stress of fearing failure disappears? How can we perfect the craft of writing during our college years? In Sinha’s (2014) article, “Why Do Doctor’s Commit Suicide?”, the author is describing the mental effects that the residency program has on new doctors. He also explains his own personal experience as a doctor. Sinha (2014) believes that new residency participants should talk about their feelings and programs should be reformed to allow open communication. In brief, this editorial failed to make an impression on the intended audience. The element of ethos and logos did not have enough support and although the author did have a good attempt at pathos, it was still ineffective due to a lack of positive resolutions.…show more content…
Sinha (2014), gives several statistics in order to emphasize his point, “Physicians are more than twice as likely to kill themselves as nonphysicians” (para. 2). Although this may seem like a shocking statistic, Sinha (2014) does not provide any references to support this claim. To readers this may seem just like a wild fact so the author can prove his point, and this leads to a distrust between the reader and writer and makes the writer appear less credible. This lack of integrity can impact the entire article and loose the reader’s engagement. To regain the trust, Sinha (2014) uses another attempt at ethos when he references an essay. Unfortunately, this also fails because it is an outdated source, “Sir William Olser, who founded the first American residency program…in 1889” (Sinha, 2014, para. 5). The author does not include the date of the essay and all the reader knows is that Olser was relevant over a hundred years ago. The source may have valuable information but having no date makes reference unreliable. The lack of dependable resources attacks Sinha’s (2014)

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