Essay On Gender Equality In The Workplace

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Today everyone knows about of the issues that go to gender equality. Everyone has witnessed, heard, or be a victim of sexual harassment. I mean you can't even go through your day without hearing or seeing it on social media or tv. In recent events there has been a campaign that arose again, that is #Metoo. This campaign has brought everyone together. Including men and women. The campaign was started by actress Alyssa Milano back in october when she heard about the allegations against Harvey Weinstein; to everyone who has seen, heard or been a victim of sexual harassment to come together. This common issue that has been around for years and affects the workplace in many ways. Oprah included this campaign #Metoo in her speech after winning the Cecil B. DeMille Award. Oprah’s speech gives motivational and inspiring hope to young women and girls. This campaign has caused women throughout the whole world to speak out and tell their stories. In Hollywood, many cases of sexual harassment in the workplace have come out causing this campaign to rise and grow. Because of all the…show more content…
The gender gap is created by a bias that men have that they are better. Not there is a lack of good performance by women. The superior gains power from these acts of unfairness. Also with gender inequality in the workplace there is a pay difference. Women are paid a lot less than men for the same job. Women and mens pay are not based on performance but on gender. On sports teams women teams with better records are still paid less even if their record is better. Hope Solo from the U.S soccer team said “In 2015, as the best goalkeeper in the world, I had to play 23 games, win a World Cup, and win the golden glove only to make $40,000 dollars less than Tim Howard, who only had to play eight games and win nothing in his World Cup year.” As one of the best players she was paid less and no one noticed because she was not on the men's

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