Equality And Work Inequality

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We all are familiar with differences in the outcomes from education, career patterns, job security and the employment benefits, as we all experience this being a part of the todays labour market. All these factors play a very important role to determine the favourability of a job. Although, the involvement of Government legislation in the labour market by making various laws to create fair and equal opportunities for the eligible candidates has helped. But still Issues like inequality and insecurity are still prevailing resulting in social stratification and class structure. Work inequality and insecurity are two different concepts. Work inequality refers to the differences based on age, gender, race, experience, or religious beliefs amongst…show more content…
Looking at the income distribution, the Per hour wage rate is much higher in blue-collar occupations, such as construction or manufacturing, are typically at least twice as high as the minimum wage. For example, in 2008, the average weekly income is $1,528 in mining and oil $504 in arts, entertainment and $ 1094 professional, technical, and scientific services. (Krahn 110). Such differences make it extremely difficulty for people with minimum wage to raise a family in most major Canadian urban centers. So, many of these people are living below the poverty line. Also, the huge female-male earning ratio and the huge gender wage gap cannot be unseen. According to the 2006 census, among Canadians working full-time and full- year, women’s median earnings were 76 percent of men’s in 2005. (Krahn 111) Various minorities excluding aboriginal people majority immigrants, disabled, aboriginals and women are the major victims of inequality and…show more content…
We did see some improvements; average women’s incomes have increased. Along with this, incomes for the highest-paid groups in society have risen, resulting in individual-level income inequality increase (Krahn 155). Today’s Canadian labor market largely comprise of working poor. Although government favors well educated qualified individuals but the recent pattern in the employment of new university educated immigrants shows 44% of the women and 28% of the men are working in low skill jobs. Disabled Canadian are also suffering from underemployment and unemployment. A 2006 national study (Statistics Canada 2007c) estimated the number of working-age (15 to 64) disabled Canadians at just under 2.5 million (17% of this age group). The labor force participation rate for this segment of the population was very low. Majority of the people with disabilities (about 42%) were unable to work due to severe disabilities. (Krahn

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