Consequences Of Economic Inequality

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The article that I have chosen entitled “The Consequences of Economic Inequality” by Nicholas Birdsong is a cause and effect text (2015). When everyone is seeking for equality in this indifferent society, does the people get the opportunity to enjoy the joy of equalism? Although there is this saying says that “all men are created equal”, but the truth is men are not treated equally (Rabbi Shai Held, 2016). If there is no equality in men, same goes to our economy. According to Fortune (2015), United States of America hits the top countries with most economic inequality worldwide with GINI coefficient of 80.56 although it is the richest country worldwide. When GINI coefficient equivalent to 1 or 100, it represents perfect inequality while 0 representing…show more content…
However, I would like to focus on one point that is how economic inequality affects health. From the perspective of him, I agree with his point of view. This is because people are always connected with economic inequality and poverty. Although poverty is not stated clearly in the article that it is corresponded with economic inequality, it acts as a minor and yet important role in affecting one’s health, country’s economic growth and crime rate as well as chances to get education opportunities. According to (n.d.), increasing evidence from scientists over the world indicates that many health outcomes — everything from life expectancy to infant mortality and obesity — can be linked to the level of economic inequality within a given population. According to Knoema (n.d.), infant mortality rate in Malaysia is 7.1 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2016 compared to the year 1967 which is 46.8 deaths per 1,000 live births. From the statistic given, there is a distinct drop of data from 1967 to 2016. Therefore, we can conclude that during the era of 196s, Malaysia devote many resources to the development of heavy industries, and next forming an automotive industry (Zainal, Deepak, 2008). This the turning point of Malaysia in reducing the rate of infant mortality because as time pass by, economy distribution in Malaysia among all the ethnics become more equal. Compared to the early years where economic distribution is still unequal, the rate of infant mortality is way higher than the modern

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