Gender Inequality In Society

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In Korea, there is a famous saying that 'Man should cry only three times in his lifetime; when he was born, his parents die, and his country is taken away', which depicts the expected image of a man in the society that men should not be weak to cry more than three times. In a similar context, a saying ‘Be a man!’ is often used in the western culture. While the image and role of men in the society seem to emphasize the strength and powerfulness, 'be a woman' or 'be a lady' ask women a totally different image emphasizing softness and nurturing rather than any power-related one. These different images might be created by the biological differences between the male and female which are mostly related to the physical characteristics of each gender's…show more content…
Saying that men are stronger than women, the past society led women to take charge of the domestic work whereas men participated in the public affairs outside of their home. Thus, men began to dominate the society and women could not have enough rights as a member of a society, such as their rights to vote, work outside their home, be educated, and have the own property, which can be seen from the Ancient Athens culture. However, due to many women and activists’ efforts for retaining their rights and women engaging in the public affairs like men, many women are now working in the career field which used to be considered as a male preserve such as doctors, professors, leaders of a society, or law. Thus, with the current society’s feature of how women now actively engaging in the public task, the entry of women in public affairs seems to be a natural course of the contemporary society that would certainly be happened one day in the…show more content…
Since the gender norms established in our society can be also seen in the children’s studying courses, non-sexist education became an important issue which reduces the stereotyped education based on the gender but encourages girls to be in the science and mathematical field to help the breakdown of the social norms and develop personal identity not based on their sex but on the ability. The gender equity act in Taiwan well describes this non-sexist education promoting students to experience the fields that are not traditionally affiliated with their sex. Also, numerous gender equality laws in each nation also show how people are working for the social equality. In EU, the Court of Justice of the European Union established laws and policies about the equal treatment of men and women in the workplace and wages, as well as about the sexual harassment and indirect or direct discrimination. The anti-discrimination law, equality act in the UK, Equal Pay Act of 1963 in the United States, and the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 are laws set up for the gender equality in the world. The reports about this gender equality is published in the UNESCO, and EU’s 2013 updated versions of EU Gender Equality law further demonstrated how the world and societies take care about this gender equality issue to

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