Environmental Issues In Hospitality

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There are many ecological crises which are going on in the contemporary world today. The climate change: massive biodiversity loss, the denuded field; we have massive amounts of difference kinds of pollutants going into the air which leads to global climate disruption and all kinds of other sources difficulties; we have pollutions that ends up affecting other species, for example with oil spills and etc. We pretty convinced now that climate change is complicated, there is no doubt about it, it is due to human activity, and the scientific evidence is really overwhelming. Environmentalist and politicians and people have worked very hard and made a lot of successes in terms of trying to meet some of these environmental challenges, but when we think about the scale of what we are…show more content…
Guests are bright, sometimes only greenwash them such as having a policy where is saying that put the towels in the bath we care about the environment, and then meanwhile the hotel do not provide recycling bins, is not a brilliant way to do. Guests will talk to the staff, they’ll know whether the hotel is doing it with their heart or whether they’re doing it just because of the cost saving. Customers with green hotel knowledge are aware that staying in a green hotel is costly but they are willing to pay more for environmentally friendly products and services (Han et al., 2010; Norazah, 2013), so guests will notice that if hotel is really caring sustainability, hotels should not really do it to save money though putting in low energy facilities will always save

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