Internal Factors Affecting The Hospitality Industry

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Introduction In task one the analysis and understanding of the hospitality industry will be discussed and described as information was gather to completely obtain accurate data from varies sources according to the following subjects. Task One History of hospitality The 16th – 17th century is known for the start of the hospitality industry because laws were introduced regarding the hotel accommodation. Since then hotels had to keep register of all guests arriving. (CTH, 2014) Over 600 inns were being registered in England during this time (Huwebes, 2011). France officially introduced the first guide books for travelers. Thanks to the Industrial Revolution hotels all over were being constructed centrally. From there on holiday resorts were…show more content…
But most hotels depend heavily on their facilities to higher their standards. This may be a disadvantage because a room might be according to standards but the hotel might have a lack of a good facility such as a spa of gym and that may prevent them from getting another appraisal. Factors affecting the hospitality industry There are internal and external factors that affect the industry. (CTH, 2014) Internal factors is those within the business such as: • Staff/ Human Resources that insures production within a business and determined how goals are achieved to reach successful and profitable outputs. • Financial resources – It provides production and promotion. All businesses evolve around money. • Materials needed to provide an effective production cycle. The availability and supply chain of all materials are crucial to a business. • Staffing levels should be in order and should not be confused to whom to report anything regarding the business. (CTH, 2014) External factors are those not in the business but can be used to determine trends and upcoming competition within the industry. Keeping trend of the external factors can help a business identify opportunities where they can improve and make more money, it can also help them to eliminate possible problems and…show more content…
They don’t help with the flight tickets or passports. They usually specialize in specific areas/locations or specific kind of tours and destinations. Sometimes they sell holiday packages through travel agents. They are usually independent. Transnational operators are from a larger group working in a global perspective. They plan the itinerary, make sure it all works together and brings connection to each of the components. They have to know what the trends are to plan holiday that they know would sell. They are usually all-inclusive packages. The tour operators can also be the tour guides then they have a lot more responsibilities. (Travel Today Travel Agency, 2015) Purpose and responsibilities of tour guides Tour guides have to assist tourists at all time, provide information regarding all the scenes that they pass and they also have to have knowledge about the heritage sites and understands its history and rules A tour guide is someone who guides tourists/visitors in a language that both parties understand and provides and interprets the man-made, natural and cultural heritage of a destination. They need to have an area-specific qualification in order to assist tours in that

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