Tourism Trends

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As the interdependence between countries and even industries, is growing due to the globalization, and because tourism industry is the widest economic activity in the world with every day five to eight million people travelling internationally (Glaesser, 2012); it is important to understand the future trends and challenge of this particular industry. What will tourists do in 2030, how they will feel, what they will need, who will they be, and how can the field cope with those changing? This are important questions to focus on, considering what are the critical today’s points, in order to better what are the next day’s challenges and how to deal with them. This paper will analyze some of the most important issues tourism and hospitality industry…show more content…
Fast This part deals with the speed of change of our world. Time has always been a important unpredictable factor and the rapidly changing environment within tourism industry is, results in the swept away of business strategies by events. It can be rainstorm, volcano eruption (e.g. 2010 volcanic plume which resulted in 1000 cancelled flights in one day), instant crisis or a 20 second earth quick to paralyze an industry, creates nuclear worries, tension around the world and makes policy changes. Most of the crises affecting the tourism are events having a specific duration, often short, which take place in a defined space-time zone, while their effects can be much more durable (Ren, 2000) As stated the futurist Patrick Dixon “The faster the world, the faster we have to unwind” (2013). Regarding tourism industry, it means intense leisure breaks in continuing boom-time, short breaks, stress buster, staying nights and weekends and couple resorts, will be the new way of pleasuring. Customer are more and more into a multi destination short term travelling process, rather than long holidays people used to focus…show more content…
As one of the driver of this process is westernization our World is becoming more and more standardized. Customers have changes and are not seeking same experience than before, hence the birth of the “experiential tourist”. With this emergence of new tourist came up a new tourism, and new demand. This is resulting in the commodification of local cultures, of standardization in the process of satisfying tourist’s desires for familiar facilities and also the lost of authenticity in adapting cultural expression to tourist’s taste or even “staged authenticity” in creating shows for them, that they think being real life (UNEP, 2014). It can also result in culture clashes due to economic inequality, job level friction or simply to tourist behavior who are generally unaware of traditional standards, like women in Muslim countries, and totally ignore them appearing half-dressed (by local standards) in revealing shorts, skirts or even bikinis, sunbathing topless at the beach or consuming large quantities of alcohol

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