Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System

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Introduction Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is an integrated computer-based application used to manage internal and external resources. Its main purpose is to regulate the flow of information between all the business functions inside the organization and manage a stable connection with the outside stakeholders. ERP is built on a centralized database and normally utilizing a common computing platform, ERP systems consolidate all business operations into a uniform and enterprise-wide system environment. ERP is an amalgamation of three most important components; Business Management Practices, Information Technology and Specific Business Objectives. FedEx Corporation originally known as FDX Corporation is a logistics services company,…show more content…
Apart from minimum risk it gives lots of scope for learning from earlier implementations and is better in terms of change management. The implementation of ERP model in FedEx was a success. The only drawback they faced going ahead with Roll out and Modular Strategy was that it took 17 years for implementation of ERP in the entire process. Team Members and Their Involvement It is said that success or failure of ERP implementation depends on its implementing team. Here the organisation implementing ERP is FedEx and consulting side is ORACLE. FedEx has a project team structure for implementation of ERP so that ERP implementation process works successfully. In FedEx, company implemented two modules. Later, in 2004, FedEx implemented 12 modules. The different team members and their involvement are as follows: PROJECT SPONSOR: - Project sponsor is generally the owner of organisation or CIO or CEO who wants to implement ERP. His roles as a sponsor is: To tell goal of implementing ERP in FedEx to…show more content…
Their efficiency in transferring knowledge would decide the future of implementation. PROJECT OWNER:-The executive designated for this position from the company is responsible for taking final decision regarding a process. In FedEx’s case person having knowledge about most departments may be designated for the post. PROJECT MANAGER (FedEx):- The Project manager at the company has the primary ownership of the project and directs the project team. He is also responsible for maintaining plans and updating status of the project to the steering committee. Project manager has right to decide about relevant issues regarding project and budget, and escalate them to senior authorities. Project Manager has following members in the team:- DATA MANAGER: The Data Manager keeps all the summarised data from all departments. His responsibility is to ensure proper data in ERP, as there are many programs which can’t go live without proper data. In FedEx data from each department is required in both phases of

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