Green Buying Behaviour Case Study

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RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: RESEARCH METHOD: DESCRIPTIVE METHOD SAMPLING TECHNIQUE:A convenient cum judgemental sampling method is used in selecting participants. SAMPLE SIZE: 180 respondents are chosen on the basis of their being readily available/accessible at different locations in and around the Vijayawada DATA COLLECTION: It is a descriptive research, where the data is collected from both primary and secondary sources; the primary sources are collection of opinions and satisfaction of the general public using a structured questionnaire and secondary sources like previous researches in this field, various journals, books and websites. INSTRUMENTS USED: STRUCTURED QUESTIONNAIRE. STATICTICAL TOOL: The data was analyzed using SPSS and Ms Excel…show more content…
 H0: There is no association between educational qualification and influence on green buying behaviour.  H1: There is association between educational qualification and influence on green buying behaviour. CHI-SQUARE OF Educational Qualification and Influence on green buying behaviour: Education * Influence Crosstabulation Influence Total STRONGLY AGREE AGREE Neither agree nor disagree disagree Strongly…show more content…
Sig. (2-sided) Pearson Chi-Square 14.733a 12 .001 Likelihood Ratio 15.113 12 .001 Linear-by-Linear Association 1.800 1 .009 N of Valid Cases 180 INTERPRETATION: As the chi-square value of Educational Qualification and Influence on green buying behaviour is 0.001 which is less than 0.050, we accept H1 & reject H0. There is association between the Educational Qualification and Influence on green buying behaviour. TEST 2: Association between occupation and elements in green buying behaviour  H0: There is no association between occupation and elements in green buying behaviour.  H1: There is association between occupation and elements in green buying behaviour. CHI-SQUARE OF Occupation and elements on green buying behaviour: Occupation * Elements Crosstabulation

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