Arguments On Concussions In Sports

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The topic of treating and healing concussions is a controversial issue because of the long-term effects people could experience if there is a lack of proper care. One of the common arguments is based on a individual’s return to contact sports after having a concussion. The argument is separated by those who believe it is safe to return from a concussion to sports and those who believe it is not safe to return. Those who believe the child should stop playing sports are acting out of safety and concern for the child’s future. They believe after one concussion it is in the best interest of the athlete to stop exposing them to risk of danger. Those who believe it is safe to return to sports after a concussion, have placed their trust in doctors…show more content…
One of the major arguments concerning concussions includes how it should be handled and how the effects of receiving a concussion can be prevented. Those that believe kids can keep playing argue that there is not much of an effect and they should “tough it out” and that “it’s just a part of the game” (The Associated Press. “ 'Tough-it-out' attitudes still in place regarding concussions”). Those who believe kids shouldn’t play contact sports argue that it is not okay to have repeat concussions, because of the long term side effects. A concussion can be defined as a mild traumatic brain injury caused by excessive impact to the head (Concussion (Traumatic Brain Injury)). The injury is caused by the brain moving forcefully back and forth, causing a bruise on the brain that alters a person's mental state (Center for Disease Control and…show more content…
CTE is a degenerative brain disease found in individuals with a past of repetitive brain trauma. In CTE, clumps of a protein called Tau form and spread in the brain killing brain cells. Receiving a diagnosis of CTE will not occur after one concussion. Some people are more vulnerable to it than others, just like some people with other previous conditions are more likely to a concussion than people without any previous issues. Such as people with a history of migraines are more susceptible to concussion injury. Females are more vulnerable to concussion injury than males. In an article by ESPN staff writer Rich Cimini, Cimini wrote an article about previous NFL players; the article was title “In N.Y., two sides to NFL concussions”. The article mostly emphasized the overall long term effects on the athletes bodies, this including the effect of concussions. One of the players, Wesley Walker, thought he had never received a concussion, but at 56 he is showing signs of memory loss. For example Crimini wrote “for the second time in five minutes, he introduces an acquaintance to his wife.” This quote shows how little concern was put toward concussions, and how unknowingly people are suffering from its long term effects. He is one of the players from the 1970s and 1980s that was apart of the group unaware of concussions because it wasn't a big deal and

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