Mercantile Produce Broker Case Study

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The Mercantile Produce Brokers (Pvt.) Ltd has incorporated as a Private Limited Liability Company, under the Companies Act 1982, in September 1995. This is a tea brokering company. In 1992 MPBL had a market share of 1 percent with investment of Rs.14million. The Restructuring also involved the transfer of 60 percent of the share capital to Mercantile Produce Brokers (pvt) Ltd. The Company has a team of highly knowledgeable, skilled and experienced person in the Tea industry, which had been the main contributor to the company's success and hence should be treated as the most valuable asset of the company for its continued growth. They normally known as a big player in tea brokering market, currently they hold the position of 4th place in market. By providing the latest technological warehouse facilities and lending money to the tea suppliers they maintain their position in market. Issues with legacy system The legacy software system was established by as an in-house intranet system. Through that it make huge chaos to the company. Basically that software system has mapped and interfere with the operations that has done by the company. But day by day the software popping up many misleading information regarding about the whole operational statics. Company maintain a loan lending scheme as well as a warehouse management…show more content…
This work as a back end system while legacy software system work as a front end. Through the ERP system it sync all the data that captured in the front end legacy system actually this work as a data ware house as well as strategy implementer to the forecasting people. As MR. Hemaka told who is the project manager to this ERP system this mainly play a big role in “finance transaction”. As financial transactions they mention about the tea sales, tea vendor prices, tea purchasing track, government tax payments, customer documents, loan lending

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