Employee Empowerment Analysis

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Quality improvement through employee empowerment requires the proper infrastructure and a great plan as well as great people to implement and follow the plan. The impact of implementing empowerment practices on both perception and, more importantly, on measures of quality outcomes is contingent on several conditions, including: • Staff educational, professional and competency levels – employees must have the appropriate skills and training for the positions they hold in order to function with the desired degree of autonomy. Goetsch and Davis (2013) also note the importance of assessing employee critical thinking skills and ability to apply solid decision making processes in determining workforce readiness for empowerment. Further, individual…show more content…
• The caliber of training that is available to overcome deficits – many employees who are not ready to be empowered can be prepared for success with the appropriate guidance and training. • The consistency with which the empowerment practices are applied – variations in leadership style and attitudes that lead to mixed messaging and/or threaten psychological safety of teams will stall efforts at true empowerment. • The clarity and appropriateness of, as well as adherence to, decision-making limits and ground rules – reasonable and clearly articulated parameters for employee discretion mitigate the chances of an employee “going off the ranch.” • Communication skills of all parties – this includes frequently and properly engaging in both oral and written communications to promote informed decision making. • The overall organizational culture – innovation must be encouraged, with a healthy tolerance for mistakes/errors in judgment within an employee’s defined decision-making…show more content…
Even though significant efforts were made to compensate for educational and skills deficits with additional training prior to implementation, quality of care was only slightly improved for a short period of time following the intervention. Conditions that were cited as contributing to such a low success rate were the existing organizational culture/attitudes, overall weakness of the interventions, failure of the interventions to reduce stress/burnout for the care workers, and inherently high turnover rates among teams in the senior care

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