X-Matrix Analysis

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1 X-MATRIX FOR THE GAP STATEMENTS 2 TOOLS USED FOR THE GAP STATEMENTS 2.1 KEY PROCESSES AND SUPPORTING PROCESSES ARE NOT CLEARLY IDENTIFIED, THE PROCESS PERFORMANCE CRITERIA ARE NOT CLEARLY DEFINED. In the X-Matrix, we can see that we need to identify four major steps in order to determine our objectives and priorities that lead us to improve those objectives. In the first GAP statement, we observed that there is a need for distinguishing and identifying processes. Also we should define process performance criteria more clearly. Since the Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology leads us both identifying the deficiencies and checking whether it is implemented correctly into the organization, we choose using this method in the first GAP statement.…show more content…
Every company needs a vision, mission statements and strategies in order to make their future clear and ensured. Stating a goal and strategy is necessary because goals and strategies are like paths of the firms and without a path, firms cannot go further. A vision statement indicates a firm’s long term goals and motivations. Besides, a mission statement tells us what the firms does and why, by indicating key stakeholders of the firm and the business of that firm. By using these two essentials, the firm’s managers set out a strategic policy in order to achieve firm’s visions with their missions. Here, understanding and internalizing those elements are important for the employees. According to uncertainty between teams’ strategies and the firms’ strategies, firms should redefine their policy and strategies to make them more clear and understandable. Policy and strategies need to be communicated with employees and teams so firms need to redesign them first. After redefining, firm can convey those policy and strategies to the teams. Also, teams can be reorganized according to those…show more content…
• Aligning People - forming a team to achieve the vision. • Motivating and Inspiring - ensuring people advance in the right way. by appealing to basic, untapped, human needs. 2.6 ALTHOUGH THE ORGANIZATION MENTIONS STAKEHOLDER SURVEYS CARRIED OUT, IT IS NOT CLEAR HOW THE OUTCOME IS USED TO MAKE IMPROVEMENT IN ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESS. The company will look that whether the stakeholder survey was applied correctly. Review the process and if there is a problem, make analysis according to stakeholder analyzing framework. By doing this, stakeholder mapping is a useful technique for the company. Stakeholder mapping provides that helps identify which stakeholders may support or oppose change and organization’s actions, which stakeholders are the most powerful, have the most influence and help decision makers formalize and prioritize strategies. After the stakeholder mapping, the company will establish better managed relationships, make better strategies and decisions. A good analysis of outcomes of stakeholder analysis leads the company to understand and implement the outcomes of the

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