Logistics Importance

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MAINTENANCE OF MATERIALS AND LOGISTICS, ITS IMPORTANCE IN AN ORGANIZATION SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CONCEPT Materials and machines used in the organizations work to their full capacities at the initial period of purchase but after sometime wear and tear begin to take place, the machines become weaker leading to decrease production or functioning. With regular and proper maintenance and possible repair when necessary these machines and logistics can functioning almost as new or little less. Maintenance of materials helps increase productive or maintains production at an optimum level, It helps to reduce cost of production and over labor of the machines, obviously maintenance of materials is an integral aspect of facility management, putting maintenance…show more content…
IMPLEMENTATION ACTIVITIES RELATED TO THE CONCEPT Machineries and logistics in an organization are very valuable assets of the organization which without it the organization cannot function to full capacity. In order to make sure that machines and other materials used in the company or organization does not deteriorate to the level of breaking down or posing a danger to human lives, it is important to keep the equipment in good shape. Maintaining the machines in an efficient and effective manner, regular checks and prompt repair of any noticed or potential damage. Machines and equipment usually carry manufacturer’s product maintenance rules and regulation for the particular product, it is important to follow these instruction strictly, make it handy at all times, and only professionals should be allowed to either operate or repair the machines or equipment. Steps are to be taken to assess any risks arising from maintenance activities, the manufacture’s safety instruction should provide recommendations on how to safely ensure maintenance of work equipment or machines, the workers should ensure that these rules are followed at all time if…show more content…
Examples of machines or equipment are x-ray machines, CT scan machines, ultrasound machines. Sterilizers both commercial and small equipment sterilizers, patient’s bed frames, Blood pressure apparatus and so on to mention a few. All these equipment need regular maintenance and repair when necessary, the frequency of wear and tear of these machines depends on the degree of usage. It is important to understand the safety and maintenance instruction of all these equipment as the come from the manufacturer in order to handle them well. Usage of the equipment depend on the department the equipment exist and professionally trained personnel are engaged to operate these machines or the staff in charge of the department is trained on a first contact bases, these helps to prevent damage to the user as well as break down of the machine. Faulty machines or equipment can pose a health risk to patients during care, periodic inspection and proper use of the machines or equipment can help in provide a better care for patients and prevents sudden breakdown, rendering service delivery
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