Importance Of Honor Killing

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DOES ISLAM JUSTIFY HONOR KILLING? Introduction ‘I killed my daughter as she had insulted all of our family by marring a man without our consent and I have no regret over it’, her father told police adding that it had been an ‘honor killing’- Terrence McCay said. According to the statistics, in Pakistan 1000 women die because of honor killings. This problem has an influence on the social life of citizens; as a result, there could be political problems. Last summer I went to London to learn English. In my class we discussed everyone’s religion. Some of my international friends told me that Islam is the religion of cruelty, they said some stories about honor killings in their countries and Islam justified it. The honor killing is the killing…show more content…
There are four main reasons for honor killing: The first reason presented was that young women had started dating young men and wanted to choose their own partners. Such an act was perceived as rebellion from family traditions. They wanted their daughters to break up their romantic relationships and agree to forced marriages and when they did not, they were murdered. The second reason given by the families was that girls did not accept arranged marriages. Families wanted to decide the future of their daughters and when daughters challenged their decision and refused to follow their dictates, family members felt insulted and humiliated and killed their daughters. The third reason of killing offered by the families was that their daughter wanted to leave her husband. Even when the husband was abusive and violent, families did not want their daughter to get divorce and when she insisted she was…show more content…
The objective of my research is whether opinion that Islam justifies honor killing or not, identifying the reasons for this view and finding an answer. The main research questions are: • To what degree people aware about honor killing • Why do people think that honor killing comes from Islam dictates • Could it lead to the social, political or economical changes of country? Even if this issue doesn’t happened in Kazakhstan, it is still an issue in other countries. Kazakhstan is the part of Islamic world, therefore there could appear some problems related to religion and make influence on the society. Of course, some families could keep incidents in secret, so I am going to create a survey and spread it by the social media. Maybe some people know stories which are not checked with police. Methods This research will consist of two methods. In the first method I used data from the Internet. To get accurate and suitable information, statistics, expert’s opinions were taken credible sources, where I have checked a reputation of the sites, authors’ ability to see, vested interest or biased relationship to the issue, expertise and neutrality of the authors. I visited sites such as CNN,BBC, etc. The second method includes Internet survey and personal
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