Eeoc's Major Responsibilities

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Discuss the major responsibilities of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission also known as the EEOC is an agency formed by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to “eliminate unlawful discrimination in matters of employment and to help negotiate fair settlements” (Jaynes, 2005, p. 297). Prior to passing the law in 1965, there was a need to ensure people had equal opportunities to gain employment. A condition known as the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) ensured “all individuals have an equal chance for employment, regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, age, disability, or national origin” (Noe et al., 2014, p. 64). During the early years, the EEOC primarily focused on racial…show more content…
The purpose is to ensure the employee understands what the specific responsibilities are and how to complete those responsibilities. Recruiting and selection the right fit person for the job can be a difficult task. When recruiting applicants, the organization should attempt to capture as many qualified applicants. To do this, the organization must be willing to utilize all avenues, thinking outside of the box for recruitment strategies. Among the more popular recruitment strategies are internal and external postings. External positing include utilizing “…Internet job positing sites, online social networks and college recruiting events” (Noe et al., 2014, p. 7). Other popular ways of recruitment are internal referrals from existing employees. Having a standard operating procedure (SOP) in place for the selection process would create a more reliable and uniform method of screening and interviewing candidates, checking background and references, to making a final…show more content…
Noe et al (2014) described self-managed teams as team members that “have the authority to schedule work, hire team members, resolve problems related to the team’s performance, and other duties traditionally handled by management” (p. 118). The organizational culture plays a role in how self-managed teams function. Some create the position of a team leader who delegates responsibilities throughout the team. Other self-managed teams share responsibilities. Effective self-managed work groups are only as good as the structure of the organization. “The better the resources of an organization, the more capable it is of obtaining its goals, and the more capable it is of attaining employee satisfaction” (Yang & Guy, 2011, p. 533). Successful self-managed teams rely on support and guidance from leaders within an organization. Feedback from organization leaders provide a sense of empowerment and motivation. Individual members should have a clear understanding of their expectations especially in situations where there is a shift in roles. The sharing of duties can be more effective in self-managed teams because it ensures team members have a collective understanding of each individual’s responsibilities creating a sense of

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