Disadvantages Of Pollution

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Pollution is the insertion of contaminants into the environment that cause unfavorable shift. There are some types of pollution: Air pollution is caused by emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere. One key factor is the pollution of automobile exhaust. With advances in technology, the number of vehicles on the roads increases extremely, which ultimately increases the level of atmospheric pollution. Not to mention the fact that different industries such as cement, steel, coal, petrochemical and power plants also produce harmful substances that are released into the atmosphere. This type of pollution is harmful to the protective ozone layer in the atmosphere. This layer protects the earth from harmful ultraviolet rays, and his thinning…show more content…
Loud and sudden sounds of factories, machinery, trains, cars, cracking from the heat and explosions are also noise pollution. It also raises some natural disasters, such as hurricanes and volcanic eruptions. Both natural and man-made factors that create noise and sound pollution impact on human health. They cause irritation, hearing problems and headaches. But that's not the main problem, because quite unbearable sounds can be very dangerous because of their increased level of cholesterol, narrowed arteries, increased adrenaline, heartbeat quickens. All of these factors are life-threatening because they can lead to heart attack and…show more content…
They emit pollutants that create an imbalance in the soil and prevent the natural growth of plants grown in contaminated soil. A key factor contributing to the pollution of the soil - a gutter scum bad, bad agricultural practices, the use of inorganic pesticides, deforestation, open pit mining, and human activities such as the dumping of waste and littering. The research design included several different methods. Background research on the internet and libraries to get general information about the topic was conducted. Also I have taken an interview from experts who know information about this topic very well, I have used my own opinion too. I used a statistics, diagrams to do my research work better. The aim of this research work is to answer the questions related to the pollution in Kazakhstan. By exploring types of pollution in details (there impact on the environment) we can prevent the pollution of natural resources. If we want to know how to control and regulate the processes we should know how pollution is
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