Total Quality Management Case Study

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Total Quality Management Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management tool that is used by business organizations for continuous improvement, which aims to provide the customers with quality products and services. This concept focuses on the customer satisfaction and the integration between organizational functions, by involving all the employers and employees, as well as it is completely customer-focused (Lotich, 2016). Mohd Yusof and Aspinwall (2000) stated that TQM helps create a culture of trust, participation, teamwork, quality-mindedness, zeal for continuous improvement, continuous learning and ultimately, a working culture that contributes towards a firm’s success and existence (p. 281). TQM was developed by William Edwards Deming,…show more content…
It is one of the subsets of total quality management which is commonly used by the organizations. ISO 9001 is the international standard of quality management system and the latest revised version is ISO 9001:2015. Instead of focusing on process management, ISO 9001:2015 focuses on performance (Lazarte, 2015). The implementation of ISO 9001 which is based on the PDCA methodology and a process approach helps the organizations to reduce waste, improve continuously and create the satisfactions of the customers, management, as well as the…show more content…
Lean management is a management philosophy derived from Toyota Production System (TPS) which involved the interaction with suppliers and consumers. The major objective of Toyota Production System (TPS) is to design out inconsistency and overburden and to remove unnecessary items. Unnecessary items include materials, waste of time and so on. In order to improve overall performance of Toyota Company, the waste such as overproduction, waiting time, transporting, inappropriate processing, unnecessary inventory, excess motion and defects has been eliminated. In the manufacturing system, Toyota Company had limit the resources used by ensuring every part of the process is efficient to get the most from the least. Furthermore, the TPS also make sure that every part of the production line is going as planned to produce a product without flaws or defects. The purpose of the company is to earn a large profit, so the manufacturing cost must be reduced to prevent losses. Moreover, Toyota Company also produced the product with higher demand to eliminate unnecessary inventory. According to Harris (2007), since Just In Time manufacturing means there is virtually no extra stock or materials on hand, companies need to rely on the relationship between customers and suppliers to be reliable and on

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