Cyber Security Architecture

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Security Architecture: Security architecture is a framework that aims to protect physical and electronic assets, resources and data of ICT initiative from unauthentic access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification or destruction. Security architecture guides in selecting implementing and managing information security services by directing public institution to manage ICT assets and to secure governance function including public access to appropriate information and resource. 2.9: eGovernance Gateway: eGovernance initiatives at national, state and local level government bodies has the massive size of networks with heterogeneous application base and users across different levels…show more content…
It comprises the worldwide distribution if ICT devices and network. Now a day’s cyberspace becomes a common pool used by citizens, business and governments. The cyberspace is becoming more and more complex with increasing use of computers, networks and devices connected to it. Cyber security represents the technologies and procedures intended to safeguard computers, networks and data from unlawful admittance, weaknesses and attacks by the means of internet by cyber aberrant. The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology under the government of India provides a strategy outline called the National Cyber Security Policy which deals with to protect the public and private infrastructure from cyber-attacks. The following area comes underCyber Security…show more content…
The policy gives an outlining to effectively protect information, information systems and networks. Any legislation in the country does not describe or mention the term cyber crime. It is globally considered as the dark side of technology. The only difference between a traditional crime and a cyber-crime is that the cyber crime involves in a crime related to computers. The Model Law on Electronic Commerce was adopted by United Nations Commission on International Trade Law through resolution A/RES/51/162 dated the 30th January 1997 of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Through this resolution it was recommended that to give favorable consideration to the said Model Law, when all countries, states enact or revise their laws related to ICT. The view was to get the uniformity of the cyber law. In India “The Information Technology Act 2000”, passed as the Act No. 21 on the 9th June 2000, and was made effective from 17th October 2000. India became the 12th nation in the world to adopt a Cyber Law Regime by adopting this cyber

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