Pros And Cons Of Cyberterrorism

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The 20th century was a period of extensive technological innovation, but these developments heralded the arrival of new threats to international security, those posed by the cyberterrorist. The international community remains divided on what precisely constitutes cyberterrorism, however, at its essence, cyberterrorism refers to the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in acts of terrorism. The term connotes disruption or destruction of cyber channels. Whilst definitional consensus eludes States, as internet usage became increasingly pervasive, cyberterrorism was regarded as one of the greatest threats by nations. States recognised the havoc that could be wrought by cyberterrorists and sought not only legal means to deal with the aftermath, but specifically preventative legal mechanisms. Extensive domestic surveillance strategies were implemented by States to safeguard against cyberterrorists. The characteristics which made cyber channels so appealing to terrorists - the anonymity…show more content…
It is now widely accepted that areas of cyberspace are 'characterized by anonymity and ubiquity'. All of cyberspace is not easily delineated and the suggestion that State sovereignty will apply to all measures of electronic surveillance fails to acknowledge this. For principles of territorial sovereignty and non-intervention to be applicable, States need to be able to clearly define their boundaries and identify an encroachment. A domain that lacks the physical dimensions around which these norms have developed is not going to be subject to the application of such norms. The recognition of the unique nature of the cyber dimension is forcing States to acknowledge that the lack of international consensus revolving around what constitutes cyberterrorism and the best international means of response, cannot be solely addressed by existing

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