The Pros And Cons Of Cybercrime

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Following the creation of the World Wide Web in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee, the way in which information is shared and how people communicate changed entirely (“Internet” par. 4). The Internet provides a way for people to research vast amounts of information, buy and sell items without leaving home, share data such as pictures or video instantly, and much more. Although numerous benefits come from the Internet, it has also laid out a platform for an entirely new from of crime, cybercrime. Cybercrime is an offense in which a computer is attacked and or is the primary instrument used to commit the crime (Aghatise par. 2). Phishing, identity theft, scams, and viruses are all common forms of cybercrime. These crimes lead to financial distress, loss of trust in companies, and theft of property. As technology expands and improves, so does the threat of cybercrime. In 2017, Norton recorded that “978 million people in 20 countries were affected by cybercrime” (4). While there is no way to fully end cybercrime, education on methods of prevention would aid in protecting people from its harm. Many people…show more content…
4). However, when purchasing a computer or cell phone, people are at risk of hacking and malware that collects private information. Without knowledge on how to protect themselves the risk increases. This can be seen through the fact that “Out of nearly 160,000 reported cyber incidents affecting businesses in 2017, 93 percent could have been prevented by following basic security measures…” (Barth par. 1). General unawareness of the risks that come from technology is a major determining factor in the success of cybercrime. Had the 93 percent of cyber attacks that could have been prevented known how to properly protect their devices, the number of incidents would have been significantly

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