Importance Of Cyber Security

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Cyber security regulation purpose is to push companies and organizations to protect their systems and information from cyber-attacks. Viruses, worms, Trojan horses, phishing includes in cyber-attack. There are numerous way to prevent cyber-attack for example firewalls, anti-virus software and intrusion and prevention system. Federal and state government have set their aim to enhance cyber security through regulation and collaborative effort between government and private-sector to encourage voluntary to improvement in cyber security. A Cyber security regulation was proposed similar to California’s Notice of Security Breach Act for companies that maintain personal information. The Information Protection and Security Act require that data brokers…show more content…
All the executive agencies have been very active in promote standards and conduct enforcement actions about cyber security practices. For this law there only one component, it is ‘what are the regulatory authorities and what powers do different agencies have to enforce cyber security standards?’. The source of law consist of FTC’s section 5 authority, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), SEC guidance, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act and many more different state laws. It includes regulatory guideline where companies may do business in foreign…show more content…
They have set their aim to ‘create a culture of info-security’ among Malaysians. Most of people looks for informations infrastructure and their uses rather than the safety and security perspective. For example, if we use Internet banking, we must be aware with the risk factor and when we use social networking sites like Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, we must be aware of the risk dealing with strangers in these sites. They aim to build a culture of security through awareness programmes and best practice among children, teenagers, parents and organisation. They have organised and created many activities to improve the level of awareness in information security. There was a rapid increase in cyber-related crimes, so the government decides that cyber laws are needed. The Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation has worked with CyberSecurity Malaysia since 2014 to look into cyber laws and all related laws and recommend amendment, if needed. (CyberSecurity Malaysia, 2015) There are 8 Malaysian cyber-laws involve . It is Computer Crime Act 1997, Communication and Multimedia Act 1998 (CMA), Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commision Act 1998, Digital Signature Act 1997, Copyright Act (Amendment) 1997, Telemedicine Act 1997, Optical Disc Act 2000 and Electronic Transaction Act 2006. (Majid,

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