Glass Transition Analysis

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Glass transition analysis of unsaturated polyester resin The glass transition (Tg) and change of exothermic reaction of unsaturated polyester resins upon the addition of different percentage of cobalt was analysed using DuPont DSC 7 by Perkin Elmer. 8mg to 10mg of sample was weighted and crimped in an aluminium pan. The sample was heated at 10ºC/min heating rate from 30ºC to 120ºC with flowing of purge nitrogen gas atmosphere. 2.3 Characterizations 2.3.1 FTIR analysis of sugar palm fibre The structural changes of sugar palm fibre were analysed using Perkin Elmer Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer. The FTIR test was run using transmission mode in the range of 4000cm-1 to 600cm-1 with 16 scans. The fibre particles were mixed with…show more content…
The fibres were mounted and glued to the tab shape which was designed with a gauge length of 20 mm. The diameters of the single fibres (D) and embedded length of the droplets (L) were measured using an optical microscope model Olympus SZX12.The microdroplet test consists of first applying a resin drop onto the surface of a single fibre, curing the fibre-resin to form the droplet and then applying a shearing force to pull the fibre out of the droplet. The schematic diagram of microdroplet test is shown in Figure…show more content…
It is well known that natural fibre mainly consists of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. Hemicellulose is composed of different sugars and other various substituents which are water soluble because it is easy to hydrolyse. Then a part of lignin is soluble in alkali solution. Therefore, it is possible that a part of hemicellulose and lignin was dissolved and decreased during alkali solution treatment [36]. The trend shows the changes, which were almost the same for sugar palm fibre before and after the treatment. The difference was only found on the slight shifting at the wave numbers. First, the vibration peak around 1760cm-1 to 1665cm-1 associated to carbonyl (C=O) groups of hemicellulose was not clearly present even in the untreated sugar palm fibre. This may be due to hemicellulose content in the sugar palm is too low which is around 4.71% to 7.93% [22,

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