Re-Entry Action Plan

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“STRENGTHENING and RE-ALIGNING THE MARINDUQUE STATE COLLEGE EXTENSION SERVICES TOWARDS THE ROAD TO ASEAN COMMUNITY” ANA FE N. MOLATO, CoE, MPA ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Foremost, I would like to thank Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, for giving the good health, wisdom, strength, support and knowledge in exploring things so I can finish this endeavor. The completion of this Re-Entry Action Plan (REAP) on the extension Agenda of Marinduque State College will not be realized without the unconditional love and support of this people. I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to Dr. Romulo H. Malvar, MSC president, for the continuous support in all extension programs and activities and for believing in my talent and…show more content…
MIMAROPA is one of the Philippine’s top producers of rice, banana, coconut, mango, cashew, papaya and cassava, which are included among the country’s top export products. Profile of the Province of Marinduque Marinduque (Tagalog pronunciation: [marinˈduke]) is an island province of the Philippines located in Region IV-B MIMAROPA region. Its capital is Boac. Marinduque lies between Tayabas Bay to the north and Sibuyan Sea to the south. It is located south and west of Quezon, east of Mindoro, and north of Romblon. Marinduque is touted as the heart of the Philippines which is attributed to its being at the center of the archipelago besides the island's heart shape. The colorful traditions and cultural identity distinct from any other island cultures in the Philippines made Marinduque unique. The Province is the genuine home of the century old Moriones Festival. Marinduque is divided into 6 municipalities and 218 barangays. Boac - The Provincial Capital. Buenavista - Home of the famous Bellaroca Island Resort and Spa. Gasan - The Cultural Nerve Center of the Province. Mogpog - The Original Home of the…show more content…
Vision and Mission for SUC Extension Services As anchored on results of internal and external environment analysis and the strengths and weaknesses of the College translated into SWOT Analysis, the Marinduque State College Extension vision is hereby stated: The Research and Extension Department of Marinduque State College envisions itself as a pro-active, dynamic and performing department in generating quality research outputs and extend to the community mature technologies for a realistic, globally competitive and sustainable attainment of the College’s vision, to be a total University within the ethos of excellence in public service, social responsibility and accountability for the 21st century. Still our aim is the “universityhood” of the College under the challenging world of competition in the name of internationalization of education as brought by globalization, thus, there should be no way for turning back for us to find a niche as one of the providers of knowledge to the province, to the region, to the nation and beyond. And to carry out this vision, the mission of the R& E Department of the College can be as follows: Global knowledge and Skills for the People for the land and for the Almighty through Research and Extension

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