Cyber Crime Case Study

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Crime is a common word that we always heard in this globalization era. The rapid growth of the internet and computer technology over the past few years had caused by the growth of the new crime which is cyber-crime throughout the world. Wordpress (n.d), research revealed that the history of cyber-crime happens when computers and networks came into being in the 1990s, hacking was done basically to get more information about the systems and hackers even competed against one another to win the tag of the best hacker, as a result, many networks were affected. There are a lot of definitions for cyber-crime. According to Joseph (2006), cyber-crime defines as crimes committed on the internet using the computer as either a tool or a targeted victim…show more content…
This is because with the rise of the technology the majority of the people will be affected by such crime. The Star Online, (2016) study found that Cyber Security had received 3,752 cases of online fraud and intrusion and a shocking 191,096 reports of botnet and malware infections by unique IP addresses this year alone. This shows a lot of Malaysia people already be victims of cyber-crime with fraud and intrusion. That why Malaysia sixth most vulnerable to cyber-crime or the sixth highest in the world. So, cyber-crime it is something which should not be ignored. One of the most effective methods of preventing cyber-crime is to teach Malaysians about how these crimes work. The more people know about these types of crimes, the more they can do to avoid falling into the same traps. They need to know what the cybercrime, hacking, cyber stalking, identity theft and malicious software. Moreover, other ways to prevent cybercrime is doing a campaign. These campaigns will help to tackle the number of people falling victim to cybercrime and reduce losses. The campaigns will be aimed at young people who frequently use the internet and computer, but who may also be more vulnerable to online criminals due to a lack of knowledge about fraud. For example, Royal Malaysia Police and Lim Kok Wing University collaboration do “Smart Campaign”. Royal Malaysia Police (2016), study indicated that be Smart is a cybercrime prevention campaign initiated by the Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID), Royal Malaysia Police. Lim kok wing University will assist the CCID in providing materials such as video clips, posters, and also advise on the implementation of the campaign strategy through the five-year contract. This means that Malaysian police have already taken action on this front and have signed a contract with Lim Kok Wing University, which means that the university will

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