Literature Review On Crime

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Introduction to Literature Review Literature review is a comprehensive assessment that aims to review the critical points of current knowledge including substantive findings as well as theoretical contributions to a particular topic. (Zhang Ying Ying 2004)It is the ultimate goal of this chapter to bring the reader up to date with current literature on the topic and forms the basis for another goal which is to determine where future research may be needed in the area. It should be established that literature on this specific subject of crime in upper and lower class residential areas in Accra is sparse since this area of research has been tackled by few researchers. (Owusu, Oteng-Ababio, 2016) Literature Review Many criminologists…show more content…
So far, there has been no conclusive answer to this question. Many experts in law and sociology of law for that matter agree that crime statistics is not a fair reflection of crime rate at any point in time within a given geographical area. Due to this assertion, there is the idea of a ‘dark figure’ surrounding crime statistics. This ‘dark figure’ refers to all criminal offences which are not reported to or documented by the police. (Walsh, Anthony 2014) Based on this premise, it is difficult to establish any sort of correlation between demographics or even socioeconomic circumstances and criminal activity. (Landman 2012) Crime is perceived by many laymen and even scholars to be a problem which predominantly affects and emanates from lower class residential areas. This perception has been proven by studies in many parts of the world such as Latin America with countries such as Brazil, Colombia, Honduras and Mexico being prime examples. (UNODC 2012) However, it is important to note that this phenomenon may not exactly be the case in a country like Ghana where the demographic and socioeconomic dynamics differ considerably to that of say Brazil. As a result of the apparent lack of research on crime…show more content…
This assertion was made by Wrigley-Asante et. al, (2016) and reported by DOVVSU. Data gathered by Owusu, Oteng-Ababio et. al, (2016) debunk the assertion made by Wrigley-Asante, (2016). Findings from the 2014 household crime questionnaire survey also show that low class residential areas recorded a defilement rate of 0.8 whereas both middle and upper class residential areas recorded a defilement rate of 0.00. However, Ghana Police Service statistics showed that defilement and rape were among the top five frequently committed offences. In addition, police data according to Wrigley Asante (2016), showed that rape was the most reported criminal

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