Response To Cyberstalking

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One fundamental response to Cyberstalking is a decision by victims not to allow the stalker to deny them use of cyberspace (in the same way that an offline stalker should not deny a victim use of roads, restaurants, shops or public parks). Be skeptical about myths that all online offences are necessarily anonymous, that effective prosecution is impossible and that courts or police are unsympathetic. Identity Management Cyber stalkers feed on digital information: information about their victims and signals from their victims that the target of the stalking is in pain. Potential victims (whether 9 or 90) can and arguably should manage their online presence, in particular their online identity – the information available on the net that allows…show more content…
However, the first step in effectively responding to Cyberstalking in particular and Internet-based crime in general, is to ensure that the understanding of the Internet is derived from a realistic appreciation of the nature of the new technologies themselves, rather than being rooted in a pre-Internet conception of information exchange mechanisms. Whilst it can be argued that some cybercrimes are not different from real world crimes in as much as they reflect the same range of offensive and dangerous behaviors, it also needs to be acknowledged that the Internet can magnify, distort, and ignore the attributes of the real world in ways we urgently need to address. Cyberstalking provides an illuminating example of cyber crime. The extent to which Cyberstalking can be regulated and responded to by the criminal justice system depends in many respects upon the extent to which it emulates traditional stalking behaviors in the physical world. The new technologies are so different from the old that the old ways may no longer hold good, and we may need to reassess our thinking about the nature of the possible intervention strategies. In sum, while some of the traditional strategies will remain applicable in addressing Cyberstalking, new and innovative legislative,…show more content…
The effects of stalking upon an individual may include behavioral, psychological and social aspects. Specific risks to the victim include a loss of personal safety, the loss of a job, sleeplessness, and a change in work or social habits. These effects have the potential to produce a large drain on both criminal justice resources and the health care system and it is therefore, in the best interests of the authorities to take swift action when cases are presented to them. Only through the continued study of the problem will be better equipped to deal with particular cases once they are presented. Through the continued study and exposure of stalking (and by extension, Cyber stalking), will investigators and clinicians be better prepared to deal with its consequences and

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