Culturally Responsive Classroom

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As humans, we learn everyday from our surroundings and interactions. From birth, we learn that when we want something, just simply crying gives us what we desire from an adult. Therefore, I believe that all children can learn and have the right to an education. However, in order for children to learn, students’ needs must be met. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs state that people have five basic needs and that people are motivated to meet those needs. The five basic needs are, physiological, security, social, esteem and self-actualizing needs. Therefore, in order for students to learn, their basic needs must be fulfilled. They must feel safe, accepted and competent. As a result, teachers must understand how students’ environment affects how they learn. It is crucial for teachers to meet the needs of students by providing a safe learning environment. A teacher can provide a safe learning environment by creating a culturally responsive classroom. In a culturally responsive classroom, students have a sense of belonging and feel confident in their abilities. Establishing a partnership with families is also important because parental involvement plays a key role in students’ academic success. Strategies such as, inviting families into the classroom…show more content…
I want to show that learning is fun and can be exciting. I will strive to do this by tapping into their interest and making content relevant to their lives. This will stimulate their passion and motivate them to learn. I think that hands- on approach and experimentation are necessary for students so they can be active in their own learning process. Students should be involved in their own learning and have opportunities for them to self- evaluate and reflect on their work. This can begin in the early years and this can be done by simply having students choose which items they want in their portfolio. In turn, this will create students that are life
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