Annotated Bibliography: Changing Realms For School Administrators

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Abstract Globalization is spreading throughout the world and one resultant of its reach is the changes it has brought to education systems worldwide. Amongst the many factors that contribute to this change is diversity, brought on by demographic alterations. For that reason, educators have presented with mixed reactions to these changes. As the struggle ensues, help is forthcoming through the pronouncements of scholarly authors. This paper consist of a literature review purposed to examine the collective view points of seven scholarly articles, namely, As Diversity Grows, so Must We, by Howard, G. (2007), Changing Realms for School Administrators, by Goddard, J.T. (2010), Courage to move the Walls: Leadership Readiness, by Costa, E. (2010),…show more content…
Furthermore, Ottmann concludes that persons of varying cultural beliefs often want ‘to have more leaders represent the values and beliefs of their communities ….’ To this end, Gay (2013) postulates, ‘one of the core tenets of culturally responsive teaching, …[is] to respect and respond to the particular diversities in each classroom.’ In Howard’s view ‘it means looking honestly at outcome data and creating new strategies designed to serve the students whom current instruction is not…show more content…
Hence, Howard (2007) asserts, ‘rapidly changing demographics demand that we engage in a vigorous, ongoing, and systemic process of professional development to prepare all educators in the school to function effectively in a highly diverse environment. To this, Schmidt (2010) adds ‘as leaders' visions shift to suit the changing educational landscape, so too must leadership training.’ Educators, she continues, ‘should be given an opportunity to explore situations through experiential training (e.g., mentorships, internships), where they can apply these values and principles’ of culturally responsive teaching to their instructional practices. Although many teachers dread being out of the classroom, depending on the structure of professional development sessions educators are able to derive value and consequently engage in conversations that promote culturally responsive teaching. Closing the argument, Howard (2007) forewarns educators, ‘professional development for creating inclusive, equitable, and excellent schools is a long-term

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